The unicorn’s power to cleanse water was detailed in a 14th century interpretation of the Physiologus. Set at a large lake where animals congregated to drink, a snake poisoned the water, but a unicorn made the sign of the cross with his horn so the poison became harmless and the animals could drink safely.
Medicinal Magic of the Unicorn Horn
Over time, in addition to taking care of purifying polluted water, unicorn horns were perceived to have powerful healing properties as antidotes to viruses, which made it one of the most expensive remedies during the Renaissance. Thus, it was used extensively in royal courts. In Odell Shepard’s 1930s book The Lore of the Unicorn she informs that unicorn horns were also known in the Middle Ages as ‘alicorns.’
Regarded as one of the most valuable spiritual assets that a king could possess, alicorns could be purchased at apothecaries until the 18th century and they were commonly found on display in cabinets of curiosity. Alchemists working for royal families and nobles used alicorn in their production of spagyrically (super charged) plant medicines.
We also sell loads of unicorn items in our store from figurines, stickers, body wash, jewellery and much more.